My blog post might be too long for you, and it is. Believe me. I wrote it! That’s why I’ve divided it into multiple parts

Chayei Sarah Parsha Map Version 0, All nodes, based on the text connections in the text by verse with relations.
Chayei Sarah Parsha Map Version 0, All nodes, based on the text connections in the text by verse with relations.

Allow me to start with the highlights of the Parsha:

Keywords: Consent – Agency -Self Determination and Love.And no tv.And Nora Ephron!

New blog post tomorrow. And a lot of maps, including one for each story

Chayei Sarah Parsha Map Version 1, based on the text connections in the text by verse without relations.
Chayei Sarah Parsha Map Version 1, based on the text connections in the text by verse without relations.
Chayei Sarah Parsha Map Version 1, based on the text connections in the text by verse without relations and no concepts.
Chayei Sarah Parsha Map Version 1, based on the text connections in the text by verse without relations and no concepts.

Once again, comments, recommendations, critiques  and/or anything you might want to share with me regarding the maps, let me know here or on Instagram (@torahmaps)
Your favourite Mapper (or digital Cartographer),


To go to one of the additional posts from this Parsha, follow the links:

  • – Parshat Chayei Sarah

  • – Story 29 – Burial of Sarah

  • – Story 30 – Finding Becky

  • – Story 31 – Isaac Meets Rebecca

  • – Story 32 – Abraham’s Offspring
  • – Story 30 – Finding Becky- Story 31 – Isaac Meets Rebecca- Story 32 – Abraham’s Offspring- The Process of Mapping the Bible
  • 4 Responses