Here is last’s week’s Parsha, Vayeshev.
There are three main stories, two of them connected with this week’s Parsha (Miketz):
- Story of Joseph and his brothers.
- Story of Joseph in Egypt
- Story of Judah and Tamar. – This is probably one of the coolest stories in the whole Tanakh!

Joseph is the favourite son. He is, for now, the youngest. And the only one from the “favourite” wife.
So, he is not the nicest fellow of the bunch. He gets dreams, pesters his siblings about it to the point (and I am not excusing what they eventually tried to do) of them plotting to kill him.
All this story ties neatly with next week’s Parsha (Miketz), where the drama gets resolved and the dream comes true.
They try to kill him, but Judah stops them… And here I will highly recommend reading Robert Alter’s Biblical Narrative book, where he makes an exposition about how there are two different stories intertwined (a la Diluge style), that together are confusing, but by themselves are consistent.
Who sold him? Who got it out of the pit? That is up to interpretation.
And then is the story of Tamar and Judah…. but I’ll do a post about it later.
So, why the lateness with my posts?
I ran into some software problem that basically made me stop all the map-making.
But a Hanukkah miracle happened here, and I managed to make a new custom made an app just to help me with the data!